Becoming a member is required for creating your profile, our goal is to get the community to look after their own profiles and thus
have pride in what is shown on this site. Because of this you need to become a member so that your profile can be linked to your
member account. Linking your profile to your account will mean that you can update it any time you like.
Please visit the following link to become a member, its free :)
I want to become a member!
Becoming a member: FREE
Creating your profile: FREE
Searching and locating your favourite sports team: FREE
Remembering the days when you used to play footy out on the school field: Priceless.
Though we fully understand that the promises of something being free have been tainted in this day and age, we can assure you that if
you use this site for anything other then advertising your company then it is indeed free. Yes it will cost you absolutely nothing.
There are sites out there that promise it to be free to use only to change their minds two months down the track, we will not. For as
long as OnlySport exists you will never have to pay to list your sport event again (on our site)
Creating your profile is as easy as one, two, three. Once you have become a member just click the link to New Profle from here members navigation section to the right of the screen. then all you need to do is fill in the required details and then click next/save. once you have completed the process your profile will now be live. Oh and once again, it is completely FREE to do this.
The primary benifit of setting your location is that search results will automatically be ordered by distance away from you. Sorting the results by
distance will give you a better chance of finding your local club, event etc.
If you location is set then the option to get directions to the event/ club you are viewing will become available.
Comments? Suggestions?
Do you know any clubs that aren't on here? Please Contact Us and let us know!